3M Peltor BULLS EYE III Green Ear Muff

3M Peltor BULLS EYE III Green Ear Muff

Key features of 3M Peltor BULLS EYE III Green Ear Muff

• The 3M PELTOR Bull's Eye III is a hearing protector with extremely high attenuation for highly intensive noise environments or situations where your concentration needs to be protected from distracting sounds.
• The wide, soft, padded headband provides optimal comfort even during long hours of use with a weight of 285 grams
• Soft wide cushions helps reduce pressure around the ears and improves comfort and wearability
• Large space inside cup helps reduce moisture and heat build-up
• Easy to replace cushions and inserts helps keep them hygienically clean
• Weight: 285 g
• Attenuation rating (SNR): 35dB
• The picture and the price refers to H540A-441-GN BULLS EYE III green type.

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 30.57€ (Net price: 24.07€)
Special gross price: 29.04€ (Net price: 22.86€)
5,00% discount
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