9V Battery

Every household has a certain mini battery that stands out from the rest because of its shape. This rechargeable battery is not circular but rectangular. 9 V batteries are particularly suitable for devices that require high voltage and low power. Here we are thinking in particular of smoke detectors, measuring instruments and remote controls. Read more...

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• Battery voltage: 9 V
• Chemical composition: NiMH
• Rechargeable battery
• Capacity: 200 mAh
• Charging cycles over 1 000
• Type: 6HR61 9V (1604)
• Weight: 42.5 g
• Operating temperature: -20 °C to +50 °C
• Dimensions: 26,5 × 15,7 × 48,5 mm

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 8.62€ (Net price: 6.78€)

• 200 mAh capacity
• Size: 9V
• Voltage: 8.4 V
• Rechargeable without memory effect
• Very low self-discharge: 75% remaining capacity after 12 months* (based on internal VARTA testing.)
• Compatible with all chargers and devices

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 6.99€ (Net price: 5.50€)
2 products in total, page 1: 1 - 2 / 21
The 9 V batteries available in the DND Telecom webshop are ReCyko and Varta brand products that can be recharged up to 1000 times. This not only makes them a cost-effective solution for households and businesses, but also protects the environment. What's more, the durability of a 9 V battery is almost unbeatable. Interestingly, the standard voltage of a 9 V lithium-ion battery is between 8.2 and 8.4 V, but the first charge is only between 7.2 and 8.5 V.

Be aware that 9 V batteries that are not used will self-discharge, although the speed of this will depend on the type of battery. Therefore, lithium batteries of this type should not normally be stored empty. But also make sure that, like batteries, they are stored in a dry, cool and sun-protected place. This is the only way to preserve their quality. Because even if these fully charged batteries are not used for, say, three years, they will still usually be at least 75 per cent full.