Antenna Surge Suppressor

In the age of digital satellite reception systems, satellite dishes must not only ensure perfect sound and image quality, but also guarantee safe operation of the equipment connected to them. Read more...

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7 products in total, page 1: 1 - 7 / 71

• Frequency: DC to 1000 Mhz
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• Maximum power rating: 400W (PEP)
• Insertion loss: less than 0.3dB
• VSWR: less than 1:1
• Connection: PL-female / PL-female
• Dimensions: 66 x 41 x 20 mm
• Weight: 80 g

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 37.60€ (Net price: 29.61€)

• Frequency: DC to 3000 Mhz
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• Maximum power rating: 200W (PEP)
• Insertion loss: less than 0.3dB
• VSWR: less than 1.2:1
• Connection: N-female / N-female
• Dimensions: 78 x 41 x 20 mm
• Weight: 110 g

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 39.50€ (Net price: 31.10€)

• Frequency: DC to 3000 Mhz
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• Maximum power rating: 400W (PEP)
• Insertion loss: less than 0.3dB
• VSWR: less than 1.2:1
• Connection: N-male / N-female
• Dimensions: 77 x 41 x 21 mm
• Weight: 110 g

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 53.72€ (Net price: 42.30€)

• For SP-3000 and SP-1000 devices

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 12.64€ (Net price: 9.95€)

• Frequency: DC to 2500 Mhz
• IP67
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• Connection: N-female / N-female
• Specification in the PDF
• J01028A0033

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 101.55€ (Net price: 79.96€)

• Frequency: DC to 2500 Mhz
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• IP67
• Connection: N-female / N-female
• Specification in the PDF
• J01028A0044

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 101.55€ (Net price: 79.96€)

• Frequency: DC to 2500 Mhz
• Impedancia: 50 Ohm
• Maximum power rating: 1000W (PEP)
• Insertion loss: less than 0.2dB
• VSWR: less than 1.2:1
• Connection: N-female / N-female
• Protection: IP 65
• Weight: 140 g
• Manufacturer's item number: 9592

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 122.58€ (Net price: 96.52€)
7 products in total, page 1: 1 - 7 / 71

To achieve this protection goal, it is essential to use an appropriate grounding and lightning protection system, which means protection measures against the effects of lightning strikes on people, structures and technical equipment. These co-ordinated protection devices are called lightning protection systems, whose English abbreviation is LPS, which consists of external and internal lightning protection.

This system is used to direct the high voltage that occurs for short periods during lightning strikes into the ground. They also reduce the risk of damage to buildings and electrical systems.

Why is it important to use an antenna surge supressor?

Anntennas located outdoors and at high points in buildings not only receive analogue and digital signals, but lightning is also a predilection for striking these devices, causing surges in the electrical grid. In addition, lightning strikes have a fusing, igniting effect and can also cause direct danger to life. It is important to dispel one misconception immediately, the installation of an aerial system does not increase the risk of lightning striking a building.

One more thing to keep in mind, grounding the antenna should not be confused with lightning protection of the antenna. In order to protect against the negative effects of lightning strikes, you need an antenna lightning arrester, which is designed to protect against damage caused by the secondary effects of lightning.

It is important to know that an aerial lightning arrester is not primarily intended to protect the aerial, but rather the consumer electronics connected to it. Therefore, we recommend that this type of protection device be installed both at the antenna and at the coaxial cable input.

How to choose the right antenna antenna surge supressor?

We can use them to ensure that our home equipment does not go down in a flash. But by using a lightning arrester, we protect our consumer electronics not only from lightning strikes, but also from surges and static electricity. Choose an antenna lightning protector that fits either 50-ohm or 75-ohm coaxial cable.

These devices are available with multiple coaxial connection options and multiple power ratings. Therefore, choose the one that will protect your equipment to the best extent. Remember, antenna lightning arresters are designed to pass direct current, so these devices should be installed in parallel with equipment requiring coaxial DC power.

How does antenna surge supressor work and how does it protect our equipment?

Remember, only a coordinated lightning protection system provides sufficient security for us, our buildings and our electrical appliances. This includes both external and internal lightning protection. The exterior, also known as lightning protection, is designed to protect the building from direct lightning strikes.

The antenna surge supressor conducts the surge voltage through metal wires on the roof and the side of the building to the earthing system, where it is neutralised. However, if this level of protection is not in place, a lightning strike can indirectly damage electrical equipment inside the building. Internal lightning protection is used to eliminate damage to equipment in the property due to the secondary effects of lightning.

Internal lightning protection provides protection against surges not only in the event of a direct strike to the building, but also in the event of an indirect strike to the surrounding area.

Do we need a professional to install an antenna surge supressor or can we easily do it ourselves?

The installation of an aerial lightning arrester is very simple, in theory it does not need a specialist to install it. But if you are not sure where to place this useful device, you should ask a professional for help.

What to look out for when using an aerial lightning arrester?

Not all buildings need lightning protection. However, there are cases where lightning protection is required by local building codes. This is especially true if the building is very tall, the property has fire hazard areas, or explosive materials are stored. It may also be the case that the building permit requires the installation of lightning protection, or that the insurer requires it.

Of course, you can also provide lightning protection yourself. But in this case, make sure that you install the right device and, once installed, make sure that it is regularly checked to ensure that it is still working properly. But after a lightning strike, it is advisable to check them again.

What should you do if your antenna lightning arrester is damaged during a storm?

Of course, in this case the antenna lightning arrester should be replaced, otherwise it will not protect the devices connected to the antenna and they will be unprotected in the next lightning strike.

What types of antennas can be used with the antenna lightning arresters available in our webshop?

For rooftop antennas, you should use the antenna lightning protector, which can receive both terrestrial and satellite digital signals.

Antenna lightning protection plays a critical role in modern communications systems, ensuring that devices and connections are protected against weather extremes. Hopefully, my article has helped to make this complex subject more transparent and reinforce awareness of the importance of effective lightning protection solutions.