CR1225 Button Cell

Button cells are used to power small portable electronic devices such as calculators, smart watches, electric thermometers, cameras, car keys. Button cells are also popular because they give our devices a long lifetime. They can keep our everyday devices working properly for up to two or three years, but this depends on how regularly they are used. Read more...

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• Varta type: CR 1225
• Voltage: 3 V
• Up to 70% more power for long-lasting and reliable performance* (Up to 70% more power for CR2032 vs. IEC 60086-2 14.0 electronic key test MAD. Performance may vary depending on usage.)
• Low internal resistance and self-discharge
• VARTA battery experts since 1887
• Guaranteed high level of performance and extended life of up to 10 years

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 2.06€ (Net price: 1.62€)
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But energy cells from the button cell family can be stored for up to 10 years without losing their performance. The CR1225 button cell has a 3-volt capacity, a diameter of 12 mm and a height of 2.5 mm. This type of battery weighs about 1 gram. CR1225 lithium mini batteries have a capacity of 50 mAh.

If you do not see the designation CR1225 on the battery packaging or on the button cell itself, but the inscription DL1225, ECR1225, BR1225, DL1225B, BR1225-1W, CR1225-1W, KCR1225, you should not be in doubt because it is the same energy cell. CR1225 button cells are not rechargeable, so if the battery is flat, it must be disposed of at the designated place. In the DND Telecom webshop you will find Varta brand CR1225 button cells. After all, the brand is one of the most experienced battery experts.