CR1632 Button Cell

Nowadays, we use many button batteries. These elements are so named because they look like a button. There are three types, but lithium versions are the most common today. In addition, these energy cells come in a variety of sizes and capacities. For example, the CR1632 mini battery is mainly used in hearing aids, but also fits perfectly in some smart watches and calculators. The CR1632 battery, as its name suggests, is a round shaped lithium battery with a diameter of 16 mm and a height of 3.2 mm. Read more...

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• Varta type: CR 1632
• Voltage: 3 V
• Up to 70% more power for long-lasting and reliable performance* (Up to 70% more power for CR2032 vs. IEC 60086-2 14.0 electronic key test MAD. Performance may vary depending on usage.)
• Low internal resistance and self-discharge
• VARTA battery experts since 1887
• Guaranteed high level of performance and extended life of up to 10 years

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 1.95€ (Net price: 1.54€)
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This button cell, like the others, can be stored for up to 10 years without any problems and without losing power. However, you should always store this type of mini battery in a dry, cool place and make sure that it is kept at a maximum temperature of 25°C and not exposed to direct sunlight.

There is one more thing to keep in mind when storing them, and that is to keep them out of reach of children and grandchildren. Because ingesting such a fungal element can cause health problems. In the DND Telecom webshop you will find Varta brand CR1632 button cells, a brand that guarantees quality. Varta has been a specialist in batteries since 1887.