D Battery

Goliath batteries, also known as D-mini batteries, are the largest of the cylindrical energy cells. The Varta goliath batteries available in the DND Telecom webshop have a diameter of 34.2 mm and a height of 61.5 mm. Now, many of you may wonder why we don't have a cheap battery from China? Read more...

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• 3000 mAh capacity
• Size: D
• Voltage: 1.2 V
• Rechargeable without memory effect
• Very low self-discharge: 75% remaining capacity after 12 months* (based on internal VARTA testing.)
• Compatible with all chargers and devices

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 8.49€ (Net price: 6.68€)
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Because quality and long-lasting power supply are important to us. After all, there's nothing more annoying than buying a battery, charging it a few times and then it gives up the ghost. In contrast, Varta goliath batteries can be charged up to 1000 times. In fact, you can store these batteries for up to 10 years. In this case, you should make sure that you keep them charged, dry and cool. Otherwise they will lose capacity.

The voltage of goliate batteries is not 1.5V, like batteries of the same shape, but 1.2V. They are mainly found in portable CD players, torches and electronic toys. However, choose a charger that is compatible with this battery. And they have a capacity of 3000 mAh. If the D batteries have a soldering horn, they can be combined to form a battery pack with a higher capacity. Where do we use this type of batteries? For example, in card readers and other small machines without a permanent battery.