Face Mask

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• FFP2 particle filtering half mask and mouth mask
• Single shift (8 hours) maximum use time particle filter half mask
• Effectively filters solid (fine dust) and liquid particles (mist) as well as adhering bacteria and viruses
• Minimum 95% filtration efficiency
• 5 layers of protection for respiratory protection
• Enhanced protection thanks to the face-fitting design
• Metal strip at the nose with stiffener for shaping and precise fixation
• CE certified
• EN149:2001+A1:2009 FFP2 NR compliance
• Packaging: 20 individually packaged FFP2 masks per box. For orders of less than 20 masks, a half mask is delivered individually packaged.

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 0.76€ (Net price: 0.60€)
Special gross price: 0.32€ (Net price: 0.25€)
57,67% discount
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