FM Car Radio Antenna

There's hardly anyone who doesn't like to listen to music or the radio while driving. In this case, we mostly listen to popular music channels. If we do, we are probably familiar with a particularly annoying problem that can ruin the enjoyment of music. And that is hum, reception problems or even a lack of it. Often the car radio antenna is the culprit, as the often-changing weather conditions put them through a tough, long-term test that can cause reception to deteriorate over time. Read more...

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• Univerzal car antenna
• M5 drilled antenna
• 2 types of adapters: M5, M6
Antenna length: 240 mm
• Spare antenna rod for car antenna

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 3.47€ (Net price: 2.73€)

• Univerzal car antenna
• M5 drilled antenna
• 2 types of adapters: M5, M6
Antenna length: 360 mm
• Spare antenna rod for car antenna

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 2.65€ (Net price: 2.09€)
2 products in total, page 1: 1 - 2 / 21
If you don't want to drive in complete silence, choose an FM radio antenna that will give you good reception in all situations. FM radio antennas work by transmitting electromagnetic waves, so you can not only receive radio broadcasts on them, but they also improve reception from mobile phones and can be used to receive GPS signals. The frequency range for FM radio reception is 87.5 to 108 MHz.

What to look out for when buying an FM radio antenna?

When deciding to buy this type of radio antenna, make sure that the antenna has the right length, is easy to install and has a stable mounting. But it is also important that if it is a medium-length antenna, it has enough flexibility.

If this is not the case, it can easily break. It is also important that the FM radio antenna is made of high quality materials to withstand the elements. But it also promotes an aesthetic appearance.

What is the difference between short and long FM radio antennas?

We are often asked whether to choose a shorter or longer radio antenna. The DND Telecom webshop currently offers FM radio antennas in lengths of 240 and 360 mm. These antennas provide good reception quality. They do, however, protrude slightly from the plane of the car.

In fact, there are smaller antennas on the market with a length of about 100 mm, but these offer poorer reception performance. As it is important for DND Telecom webshop that our customers always receive the best service and information, we only sell FM radio antennas with these dimensions.

The FM radio antenna is available with adapters?

The MNC universal car antennas are supplied with M5 and M6 adapters to allow them to be used in as wide a range of applications as possible.

How easy is it to install an FM radio antenna?

The FM radio antennas available in our online store have an M5 hole, they are easy to mount with M5 and M6 adapters, which means that you simply need to screw these antennas on. These universal FM radio antennas can therefore be fitted to a wide range of car models. This means that when you go to the car wash you simply unscrew the antenna and when you're done you can easily screw it back on. This prevents it from breaking.

This is not possible with fixed antennas. However, just to be on the safe side, measure the thread diameter of the receiving part that has been or will be mounted on your vehicle before you buy. If you are not sure if it is compatible with your system, please contact the DND Telecom webshop for assistance.