Head Protection

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For safe working conditions, effective head protection is essential. Protecting our heads is very important, as we work in many industries in conditions where the use of helmets is essential to protect us from injury. That's why helmets have to meet very different requirements. Read more...

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• 6-point ratchet suspension allows wearer to customise height and fit
• Works with a variety of 3M Earmuffs and other accessories
• Inspired by climbing helmets with a brimless design to give you a clear upward view
• 3M Uvicator sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it
• Customise your fit with multiple levels of vertical adjustment
• Optional vents

• Packing unit:  4 piece(s)
Gross price (including 27% VAT): 111.86€ (Net price: 88.08€)

• 6-point ratchet suspension allows wearer to customise height and fit
• Works with a variety of 3M Earmuffs and other accessories
• Inspired by climbing helmets with a brimless design to give you a clear upward view
• 3M Uvicator sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it
• Customise your fit with multiple levels of vertical adjustment
• Optional vents

• Packing unit:  10 piece(s)
Gross price (including 27% VAT): 26.86€ (Net price: 21.15€)
2 products in total, page 1: 1 - 2 / 21
There are some professions where the use of hard hats with protective goggles is recommended when working. If we have to work in the dark, a light on the headgear will ensure adequate visibility. But there are also helmets with effective hearing protection and a built-in transceiver for successful communication. Therefore, the subject of head protection is a very broad one, so if you are thinking of buying a helmet, think carefully about which one is right for you.

The basics of perfect head protection

In many industries, head protection is a must, which means you can't work without a helmet. Head protection, for example, protects us from injuries caused by falling objects. A helmet does not only prevent dangerous head injuries. It is also intended to make it easier to work in direct sunlight or in bad weather. But depending on the area of application, other factors can also be crucial.

Comfort, for example, is particularly important because if it does not fit perfectly on the head, it interferes with quality work. It can even cause injury if the headgear is too tight. Therefore, the issue of head protection is very important to ensure that it performs its function properly. We also need to think about this issue to ensure that the head protection is fully compliant with industry safety standards and that its durability is adequate.

What safety standards must headgear meet?

Headgear must meet certain safety standards when used in a variety of work activities. For example, when working on construction sites, during assembly work or in foundries, the risk of injury from falling objects or contact with electrical wires is significantly increased. For this reason, the standards for personal protective equipment for all industries make it mandatory to specify what type of head protection is included.

The two most important standards for head protection are EN 397 and EN 50365. The first protects against falling objects, while the second group of head protectors protects against electric shock, which can protect against voltage surges of up to 1000 V. It's good to know that helmets that comply with EN 397 can be certified with an additional certification. These include protection against very low (-30°C) or very high (+150°C) temperatures, molten metal splashes, or electric shock and lateral deformation. Remember, wearing a properly insulated hard hat is mandatory when working on electrical wiring.

What to look out for when it comes to head protection?

A good safety helmet not only protects against injuries, but also fits comfortably on the head. That's why it's important to choose the right size when choosing a comfortable head protector. In addition, the internal design and the type and quality of materials used are also important. To ensure a good fit, choose helmets with plenty of anchor points and made of absorbent foam instead of plastic. But we also need to focus on good ventilation when it comes to head protection, because effective ventilation of the helmet contributes to the quality of the work. In many industries, we have to perform our tasks at higher temperatures, which is inherently demanding, and if we sweat our heads in the process, because moisture cannot escape. This is not only annoying, but can also be an accident hazard. To avoid this, many manufacturers fit their helmets with vents. There is one other issue worth mentioning when it comes to head protection, and that is the colour of the helmet. Many people think of the colour yellow when they think of head protection, but white, black or blue helmets are also commonly used.