Head Protection

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• 6-point ratchet suspension allows wearer to customise height and fit
• Works with a variety of 3M Earmuffs and other accessories
• Inspired by climbing helmets with a brimless design to give you a clear upward view
• 3M Uvicator sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it
• Customise your fit with multiple levels of vertical adjustment
• Optional vents

• Packing unit:  4 piece(s)
Gross price (including 27% VAT): 110.59€ (Net price: 87.08€)

• 6-point ratchet suspension allows wearer to customise height and fit
• Works with a variety of 3M Earmuffs and other accessories
• Inspired by climbing helmets with a brimless design to give you a clear upward view
• 3M Uvicator sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it
• Customise your fit with multiple levels of vertical adjustment
• Optional vents

• Packing unit:  10 piece(s)
Gross price (including 27% VAT): 26.44€ (Net price: 20.82€)
2 products in total, page 1: 1 - 2 / 21