Hytera EHN26-P C-Type Earpiece with in-line MIC and PTT

Hytera EHN26-P C-Type Earpiece with in-line MIC and PTT

Key features of Hytera EHN26-P C-Type Earpiece with in-line MIC and PTT

• C-style earphones with built-in PTT and microphone (black)
• In-ear and rotatable design so it can be worn in either ear
• Radio jack: 13-pin
• Plastic cable clamp to adjust PTT position
• Compatible radios: PDC550, PDC680, PDM680, PTC680, Z1p, PT590, PDC550, PDC680, PDM680, PTC680, Z1p, PT590

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 24.17€ (Net price: 19.03€)
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Hytera EHN26-P C-Type Earpiece with in-line MIC and PTT related products

Hytera PoC Radios

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