Icom UC-FR5300 #11 Network Controller Board

Icom UC-FR5300 #11 Network Controller Board

Key features of Icom UC-FR5300 #11 Network Controller Board

• With UC-FR5300 #11 Single Site Type-D Trunking systems are available

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 758.39€ (Net price: 597.16€)
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Further details of Icom UC-FR5300 #11 Network Controller Board

The IC-FR5300 series can be easily upgraded by installing an optional UC-FR5300 Network/controller board and software provided with a CF card. Depending on the communication density and coverage, your radio system can grow from a single site to a simulcast system or multi-site trunking* system, to match your communication needs.
* Compatible IDAS radio terminals are required for multi-site trunking.

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