Inverto Quad Monoblock 6˚ LNB Satellite Receiver Head

Inverto Quad Monoblock 6˚ LNB Satellite Receiver Head
Inverto Quad Monoblock 6˚ LNB Satellite Receiver Head

Key features of Inverto Quad Monoblock 6˚ LNB Satellite Receiver Head

• Designed to receive up to 2 satellites and distribute their signals independently
• 4 outputs
• DVB-S2 (HDTV) compatible
• Impedance: 75 Ω
• Input frequency lower band: 10,7-11,7 GHz
• Input frequency upper band: 11,7-12,75 GHz
• Output frequency lower band: 950-1950 MHz
• Current consumption: max. 180 mA per port (10 VDC ~ 20 VDC)
• Output connector type: F-type (female)
• Recommended parabolic antenna size: 80cm (F/D = 0,6)

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 57.82€ (Net price: 45.53€)
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Further details of Inverto Quad Monoblock 6˚ LNB Satellite Receiver Head

Specifically designed for the European DTH markets, this Monoblock LNB allows for dual satellite reception from orbital positions 13˚E and 19.2˚E over a single 80cm offset satellite dish antenna with F/D = 0.6 and their distribution to up to four independent receivers.

The LNB receives satellite broadcasts with horizontal and vertical polarizations within the 10.7 ~ 12.75 GHz frequency range. It provides four universal output ports with 950 ~ 2150 MHz IF frequency range. Each output port (F-type) carries also power supply and control signals. DiSEqC 1.0 commands allow selecting the orbital satellite position. As long as no DiSEqC command has been received, the default feed is of the "Sat A" position (i.e. 13°E). Polarization (vertical/horizontal) and band (low/high) are selected using 13/18VDC and 0/22kHz control signals.

The LNB is optimized for Ultra High Definition (4K/8K) transmissions and provides excellent Cross polarization isolation, Phase Noise and Noise Figure performances. Designed to meet strict specifications and manufactured to the highest industry quality standards, this LNB is an ideal solution for satellite broadcast reception of Hotbird 13°E and Astra 19.2°E across Europe.

The LNB is supplied with a 40 mm plastic ring adaptor to allow mounting onto a standard 40mm LNB holder.

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