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• FM modulation
• 40 (4W FM) channels
• 8 programmable bands
• Large LED display
• Rx / Tx / FM LCD indicators
• High quality condennser microphone
• Emergency channels
• Output power: 4W FM

This product is not available.
Possible reasons that the product is not available from the manufacturer anymore or we decided to remove it from our product portfolio. We gladly help you to find the best optional product instead of this type, please contact us.

• AM/FM modulation
• Automatic squelch
• 40 (4W AM/FM) channels
• 10 programmable bands
• Touch sensitive volume control
• Large LED display with integrated S/RF meter
• Automatic scanning
• Dual watch
• Soft touch keys
• High quality condennser microphone
• Emergency key
• Output power: 4W AM/FM

This product is not available.
Possible reasons that the product is not available from the manufacturer anymore or we decided to remove it from our product portfolio. We gladly help you to find the best optional product instead of this type, please contact us.
2 products in total, page 1: 1 - 2 / 21