MN21 Dry Cell

We use batteries in our homes, at work and on outings. But it makes a difference which energy cell we use for which electrical device. When we find that a device is not working, we first check that the battery's poles are perfectly aligned with the device's contacts. Because this may be the cause of the anomaly and you may not need to replace the battery. Read more...

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• Type: MN21
• Chemical-composite: alkaline
• Voltage: 12V
• Use: remote controllers, security products
• 2 pcs blister

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 2.36€ (Net price: 1.86€)
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If the contacts are OK, then all we have to do is get the new battery. If your gate opener remote, car alarm, meter, games console has given up the ghost, you will probably need an MN21 battery.

The MN21 power cell is 28 mm long and 10 mm wide, so it's a very tiny pencil battery. It is most commonly known as the MN21 mini battery, but some people refer to it as LRVO8, AG23, 23A, 23AE, L1028, 8LR23 and V23GA. MN21 batteries are characterised by their reliability and long life. So feel free to keep replacement batteries at home, just make sure you store them in a cool, dry place.