Motorola PMPN4289A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger (Euro plug)

Motorola PMPN4289A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger (Euro plug)

Key features of Motorola PMPN4289A IMPRES Multi-Unit Charger (Euro plug)

• 6 units rapid desktop charger for MotoTRBO batteries
• PMNN4066, PMNN4069, PMNN4077, PMNN4101, PMNN4102, PMNN4103, NNTN8359A IMPRESS batteries
• NNTN8129AR, PMNN4407AR, PMNN4407BR, PMNN4409AR, PMNN4409BR, PMNN4412AR, PMNN4435AR, PMNN4448AR batteries
• PMNN4065, PMNN4104 NiMH batteries

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 887.03€ (Net price: 698.45€)
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