To finish the process of shopping you must perform the following simple steps:

Step 1 (Select product)
Choose a product from the left side product categories you would like to purchase and take it into your shopping cart with the click on the into cart! button. After clicking you arrive in the shopping cart menu and a shopping cart icon appears in the top menu in the right corner.

Step 2 (Shopping cart)
You may find the products which are placed in the shopping cart in the shopping cart menu. If you would like to change the ordered numbers of an article, you need to edit the quantity field and click the Update button. If you would like to place more items in your shopping cart, please click on Continue Shopping button or choose a new product from the left grouping. In this case you will be returned to the first step where more products can be chosen. To remove an article from your shopping cart please click on the Remove button. If everything is in order please click on the Checkout button.

Steps 3 (Billing information)
You can add the invoice information and choose the delivery method in the Billing information menu. It is required to fulfil the fields (name, city, street, house number, postal code, e-mail address and telephone number) which are indicated with an asterisk and to agree the terms of purchase to proceed. You can read the terms of purchase clicking on the link. The delivery address filling is necessary only if the billing address and delivery address differ. The continue to the checkout page click the Checkout button.

Step 4 (Final data check)
In the order overview menu you can find all the information regarding to you order. In this step you can’t modify the previously added data. If you would like to modify a field or a necessary field wasn’t filled a lack of date message appears. In this case please click on Back button. To proceed to the final step and finalise your order please click on the Complete the purchase button.

Step 5 (Confirmation)
Thank you for your order! If you do not get any feedback about the order within 24 hours by e-mail, please contact us!