
Elcomplus Inc. is a US company headquartered in Miami, Florida. The company provides companies worldwide with reliable communications to increase the effectiveness of their operations. The Elcomplus Inc. produces specialized software and hardware and build radio systems. Thier clients span different markets, including oil and gas, manufacturing, mining, transportation, utility and energy, sport facilities and arenas, healthcare, and emergency services. Read more...

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Two-Way Radio Dispatcher System for Motorola Digital Radio (1)
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• SmartPTT dispatcher software for Motorola digital radios system
• GPS tracking and AVL functionality
• Indoor tracking with optional indoor tracking device
• Smartphone integration
• Direct IP connection, repeater status and programming
• Server - client structure
• Opcionális licenszkulcsokkal további funkciókkal illetve felhasználókkal bővíthető a szoftver
• The Enterprise version includes 1 pc dispatcher console, 1 pc radioserver, 10 pcs subscriber licenses, 1 year update subscription
• The price doesn't include the education and the configuration cost of the software!

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 3,530.32€ (Net price: 2,779.78€)
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The Elcomplus Inc. develops the SmartPTT software which is an integrated voice and data dispatch software application for Motorola MOTOTRBO radio systems. SmartPTT provides convenient and flexible services to dispatchers, managers and employees, streamlining organization’s financial, human and time resources.

The SmartPTT is a Motorola Sold & Supported voice dispatch and data application. Being Motorola Sold & Supported means that SmartPTT is tested and certified to work with Motorola MOTOTRBO radio systems. Additionally, SmartPTT can connect directly to the master repeater or system server via an IP wireline connection, thus eliminating the need for gateways and control stations. Software is the basis of an efficient dispatch system. Without an application, you lose 90% of potential radio system functionality. If you want to expand communications beyond voice and access real-time information for better decision making, then dispatch software is essential for your radio system. Critical data, provided by dispatch software functionality, helps you maximize resources, reduce expenses, and keep your workers safe.

In summary, SmartPTT dispatching software offers you the following benefits:

  • Customizable user interface to fit your needs
  • Communicate quickly and efficiently with all radios, groups of radios, or individual radios
  • Know the location (indoors or outdoors) of a radio user to provide faster response times during an emergency
  • Monitor the progress of assigned tasks through to completion to ensure tasks are done timely and accurately
  • Employee accountability using voice / event logs and reports
  • Labor and maintenance cost savings by efficiently assigning work tasks