SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400)

SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400)
SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400)

Key features of SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400)

• Available as a complete roll (102m) on drum
• Impedance: 50 Ohm
• Inner conductor: 2,85 mm stranded copper wires (OFC, 7 x 1,0 mm)
• Outer cable diameter: 10,2 mm
• Shielding: copper foil + copper braid
• Attenuation at:
- 10 MHz: 1,2 dB / 100 m
- 100 MHz: 4,0 dB / 100 m
- 200 MHz: 5,8 dB / 100 m
- 432 MHz: 8,9 dB / 100 m
- 800 MHz: 12,5 dB / 100 m
- 1800 MHz: 19,9 dB / 100 m
- 2400 MHz: 23,6 dB / 100 m
- 5000 MHz: 37,0 dB / 100 m
• Color: black
• External and internal dimensions are equivalent to the H-1000 cable
• Manufacturer's item number: 6080

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 5.20€ (Net price: 4.09€)
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SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400) related products

50 Ohm Coax Cable

BNC Connector (50 Ohm)

UHF (Amphenol, PL) Connector (50 Ohm)

N Connector (50 Ohm)

SMA Connector (50 Ohm)

RPSMA Connector (50 Ohm)

TNC Connector (50 Ohm)

RPTNC Connector (50 Ohm)

Grounding Clamp for Coax Cable

Crimping and Blanking Plier

7-16 DIN Connector (50 Ohm)

Shrink Tube

SSB Ecoflex 10 Standard Coax Cable (H-1000, LMR-400) related discontinued products

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