Tourguide systems: rent or buy?

There are several factors to consider when choosing whether to rent or buy a tour guide system. Both have their advantages and the choice often depends on the type of event, the amount of equipment required and the frequency of use. We can help you with both the rental and sale of Albrecht tour guide systems.

Renting a tour guide system

The product we offer for hire is the Albrecht ATR400, which includes 1 transmitter radio with microphone, 9 receiver radios with earphones and a 230V AC wall charger, all in a handy carry case.

The benefits of renting a tourguide system are summarised below:

  • Cost-effectiveness: For short-term events or occasional use, renting is more cost-effective than buying the system.
  • Accounting advantage: The cost of rental can be accounted for as a one-off and written off immediately, whereas purchase can be recorded as a fixed asset and depreciated according to the company's internal financial policy.
  • Maintenance: When renting, we are responsible for the maintenance and servicing of the equipment, so you don't have to worry about long-term maintenance costs.
  • Technology up-to-date: We offer the latest technology, so you'll always have up-to-date technology with your rental.
  • Flexible quantities: If the number of visitors changes, you can easily adjust the number of devices you rent.
  • No storage problems: We store your equipment off-site when you rent it, so you don't need a separate storage space or professional long-term storage (e.g.: protection of batteries against deep discharge, etc.)

The rental set we offer is the Albrecht ATR 400 type 10. See the full technical specification of it at the link below.

To watch our short video review of the ATR 400 tenant kit, click on the video below:


We place great emphasis on the ongoing maintenance and hygiene of our radio fleet. We check the quality of our tourgudie radios, headsets and handheld microphones at regular intervals, as well as the batteries of the equipment. We ensure the long life and capacity of the batteries by testing and regenerating them at set intervals. The devices are cleaned at regular intervals.

Tourguide rental prices

WeekdayFor the weekend
(Friday to Monday morning)
1 week
(7 days)
1 month
(30 days)
1 set of 10 (1 transmitter radio with microphone, 9 receiver radios with headphones, charger, suitcase)
(2000,- /day)
(3,571,- /day)
(3.333,- /day)
1 spare set of heads in addition to the basic package
(233,- /day)
(229,- /day)
we recommend buying
1 rental set delivery charge in Hungary per direction (The pick-up is free of charge at DND office) 6000,-

Prices above are net Hungarian forint prices and are subject to our stock of rental sets.

We are at your disposal for any special requests and questions! View and try the device in our office. Contact us at +36-1-459-8050 or dndATdndDOThu by email.

Frequently asked questions about the tourguide system offered for rent:

  • What frequency does the radio operate on? Will it interfere with other equipment on site? The devices operate on the 2.4Ghz ISM frequency, which is a free-to-use frequency range.
  • What is the range of the radios? The radios have a range of up to 200 meters in open terrain. In an office, indoors, this can typically drop to 50-100 meters.
  • If we are already using tourguide radios on site, won't they interfere with others? Useful communication is made possible by a choice of 50 different channels.
  • Does the tourguide system allow two-way communication? No. By default, the tourguide system has only one transmitter radio. This device is accompanied by a microphone, which is for example held by the group leader or the tour guide. The others, the listeners, only receive a radio with an earpiece.
  • What is the battery life of the batteries built into the radio? Both the receiver and the transmitter radio have a built-in 1500mAh Li-ion battery, which can be fully charged in about 3-4 hours using the included charger. The transmitter radio (ATT400) has an operating time of 8-10 hours and the receiver radio (ATR400) has an operating time of 18-20 hours.*
    * Under typical usage, which assumes 90% standby, 5% receive and 5% transmit.
  • Can I request home delivery when receiving a rental tourguide set? If you do not have the possibility to pick up your rental set free of charge at our Budapest location, we can of course send it to you by courier service in Hungary. Please note that the courier service has a delivery time of 1-2 working days.

Purchasing a Tourguide system

Our products are not only available for rental, but also for purchase. In recent years, our customers have included museums, factories and conference venues. Our Tourguide sets are available in sets of 10, 20, 30, 40, 60. They are all of the suitcase type, with 1 transmitter radio with microphone and the corresponding number of receiver radios with earphones.

View our range of tour guides available from us at the link below.

Benefits of buying a tour guide system:

  • Long-term return on investment:If the system is used frequently and over the long term, the purchase can be more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Full control:With a system like this, you have full control over your products and accessories.
  • Customizability:With purchased systems, there is often more opportunity for customization to meet individual needs.
  • Availability:With a purchased device, the device is always available, no need to make an appointment with the rental company.

When to rent and when to buy a tourguide system

Renting: Ideal for short-term events, seasonal use or when continuous access is not needed. If you only need the system for a few occasions or don't want to deal with maintenance and repair costs, renting may be the best option.

Purchasing: For long-term and regular use, purchasing may be more economical. If the system is in constant use and full control of the equipment is important, it is worth investing in your own equipment. Another advantage is that the sets and products that can be purchased can be flexibly expanded by purchasing additional tradios and accessories. Additional individual chargers, 10-inch chargers, transmitter radios, receiver radios, earphones and microphones can be purchased for any set.

The choice is always based on your specific needs and circumstances. Weigh up the pros and cons and decide on the best solution for your company!

Where to use tour guide systems

Tour guide systems have a wide range of applications thanks to their modern technology. They allow visitors to gain a deeper understanding and enjoyment of what they see without being disturbed by others or the environment. Below are some of their most common uses:

  • Museums and galleries: Tourguide systems allow visitors to get detailed information about exhibits and artworks.
  • Historical and cultural sites: For castles, churches, memorials and other historical sites, a guided tour can provide an opportunity to travel back in time, explaining the history and cultural significance of the site.
  • Sightseeing tours: Tour guiding systems allow you to organise group tours in large cities without the hustle and bustle of the city. Guides can easily communicate with the group, even in busy environments.
  • Nature walks and environmental tours: For national parks, botanical gardens and nature reserves, a local tour guide can provide information on natural phenomena, living things and environmental issues.
  • Conferences and exhibitions: Tour guide systems are excellent for group audiences, where participants are required to follow a presentation in a specific area or stand.
  • Tour guides: Tour guide systems help convey information in noisy industrial environments, allowing visitors to hear the guide clearly.
  • Sporting events and festivals: Visitors can get information about current events, competitors or programmes at major events.
  • Educational programmes and workshops: Schools, universities or training centres can use the system in education to help students to better concentrate and interact.
  • Multilingual presentations: In a multilingual environment, tourguide can allow visitors to select their preferred language so they can better understand the information.
  • Theatres and performing arts: Some venues use tourguide systems for interpretation or to assist the hearing impaired.

In summary, tourguide systems can be useful in a wide variety of venues and circumstances, allowing for efficient and seamless transfer of information between visitors and guides.

We are available to assist you with any specific needs or questions! Take a look and try the device in our office. Please contact us at +36-1-459-8050 or dndATdndDOThu by email.

Our company is ISO 9001:2015 and AQAP 2110 quality certified in the rental of radios and other wireless telecommunication equipment.
