XTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery charger

XTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery charger
XTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery chargerXTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery chargerXTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery charger

Key features of XTAR VC2 Premium Li-Ion battery charger

• Compatible with Li-Ion / IMR / INR / ICR batteries: 1 vagy 2 db 10440, 14500, 14650, 16340(RCR123), 17335, 17500, 17670, 17670, 18350, 18490, 18500,18650, 18700, 20700, 21700, 22650, 25500, 26650
• LED display, overheat protection, wrong type battery detection
• Imput Voltage: DC 5V 1A
• Output Current: 2x 500 mA
• Dimensions: 2x 250 mA, 2x 500 mA, 2x 1000 mA
• Weight: 125 g

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 29.93€ (Net price: 23.56€)
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